Pula,Croatia June 25-28, 2014
The International Co-operative Alliance Committee on Co-operative Research (ICA CCR) international research conference will be hosted in 2014 by the University Juraj Dobrila in Pula, Croatia. The conference will bring together researchers and students of co-operative businesses and the social economy, as well as other fields of co-operative research, but it is also intended to provide a networking opportunity for fledgling local co-operatives.
The conference will address, but is not limited to, the following research areas:
1. The role of co-operatives in securing sustainable local and regional development;
2. Co-operative regional networks and the role of federations;
3. Co-operative consortia and sustainability of the local economy;
4. Co-operative identity and local development;
5. Co-operative longevity;
6. Co-operative resilience in economic crises;
7. Co-operative governance;
8. Co-operatives and employment – job tenure, job quality and job satisfaction;
9. Regions and trade – the role for co-operative supply chains;
10. Co-operatives, growth and socio-economic development;
11. Strategies for co-operative development;
12. Co-operatives and income inequality;
13. Co-operative accounting;
14. Financing start-up and growing co-operatives;
15. ICA blueprint for the next decade in regional contexts;
16. Agricultural co-operatives and economic development;
17. Community co-operatives for disadvantaged regions;
18. Social co-operatives.
See http://www.ica2014.coop/